The Shocking Truth About Yemen

Secret Life Of Sadness

For many years, innocent Yemenis have been conquering and enduring the devastating effects of one of the biggest wistful humanitarian crises to current day. Numerous Yemenis have lost every bit of their livelihood through the couple of years, battling against the humanitarian crisis. Mostly, but honestly, everyone who was and is victims of this crisis nor had a place to call home or even secure access to food. With that, many innocent lives have been unfairly taken away due to malnutrition and contaminated water. Thus, at the end of the day, this unrealistic humanitarian crisis has occurred due to overly, the downfall/dishonesty of the Yemen government as well as the Saudi intervention of the Yemen Civil War. 

The Yemen Crisis eventually began after Ali Abdullah Saleh, serving 33 years as President of Yemen, left office in early 2012. This left Yemen as a deserted piece of land, allowing outsiders to freely take power of Yemen itself. Due to the case that Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, Saleh's vice president, prolonged tried to unite the various factions of Yemen with being upheld with numerous threats by the Houthi militants. The Houthis are an alliance of rebels, originated in the northern city Saa'da in Yemen, who had the intention to emerge supreme. Their motive was also to make Yemen, to overly, rule under the Houthi's ideology," God is great, death to America, death to Israel, curse on Jews, victory to Islam." People like me can clearly understand and agree that these people are genuinely much ridiculed and loathsome. From my perspective, these people aren't truly "human beings"; they are definitely brainwashed from head to toe. 

A Yemeni child

A Yemeni child looking over yonder of what lies left of the Taez, southern city of Yemen, after airstrikes targeted and destroyed various factions of the city.

Continuing on, Saudi Arabia speculated, or in this case, totally formulated a genuine fact that Iran has been supporting the Houthis from the beginning. Saudi Arabia had disputes with Iran all over the years. Both Middles Eastern States(Saudi Arabia and Iran) don't get along with each other as they want to yearn regional dominance. With this in mind, Saudi Arabia formed a coalition with many countries such as Bahrain and Qatar and started what is called a proxy-conflict with Iran. To this addition, Saudi Arabia had received numerous calls for military support from the president of Yemen Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, who had been forced out of office due to the aggression of the Houthi militants. With gaining more power in warfare, Saudi Arabia as well as the United States recklessly launched many airstrikes on Yemen despite knowing the mass casualties created from it. Saudi Arabia had commented on this similar statement, numerous times, stated by The Washington Post, and in one of the Post's articles, it stated that "Saudi officials have regularly said civilian casualties are accidental, calling them collateral damage in strikes against carefully selected military targets." I could not get my eyes of what was said in one point where the "civilian casualties are accidental." People don't know this, but at the same time period where this statement was said, Saudi Arabia had planned the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, a columnist for The Washington Post. 

The liability of this negligence also goes under the backs of the United States. Up until 2020, the US had launched around 235 airstrikes on Yemen, according to From this perspective, the United States is just a disgrace to its own people. Furthermore, the United States isn't only a disgrace;  The United States government doesn't understand that every day and night, there are innocent Yemeni children terrified and wondering what happened to their parents. The United States still has time to make better decisions as well as more cautious plans.

At the end of the day, these planned airstrikes and bombings shouldn't be taken as careless mistakes. These despicable actions unfairly took away hundreds of innocent lives as well as diminished the livelihoods of many reaching to the point where there is a small chance of surviving. Saudi Arabia says they are sorry, but they aren’t. They promised to donate millions of dollars to help the malnourished individuals with access to food, medical needs, and shelter, but they, at the end of the day, lied; Saudi Arabia, instead, continuously cause chaos. This eventually leads to today, where the current situation in Yemen is very distressing and dreadful. Day by day, large masses of innocent Yemenis are dying. These victims, as you know die due to malnutrition Entirely, every victim of this humanitarian crisis still... don’t have access to food or clean water. They have to live off of the contaminated water and the bits of rations they find around them. 

Thus, this is the end of this post. I am very thankful to you guys, who come this far reading this post. Many posts will come to the future.


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